Yes, Red Sox Nation finally has its own social networking site. It is called SawxHeads.com and was launched in July 2007 by a company called Boxcar Media. The site has recently been teeming with activity, with over 60,000 fans from more than a dozen countries.
The social networking site is yet another example of niche communities, where users belong to a network for a more specific, specialized need. In the case of SawxHeads.com, Boston Red Sox fans finally have a place where they can build their own dream team, have slugfest debates, trade and rumor information, and get popular on-the-road features for all the places to which team travels.

"Niche social networking sites are a natural outgrowth for passionate fan bases,” says Osmin Alvarez, president of Boxcar Media. “It allows them to have a more focused and personal experience than what is found on larger social networking sites”.
And, with such success stemming from SawxHeads.com, fans are asking for more niche social networking sites for other teams as well. Boxcar Media has just launched PatsHeads.com for fans of the New England Patriots and CeltsHeads.com for fans of the Boston Celtics. Alvarez says that because of their popularity, they have been given the opportunity to “launch hundreds of these niche sites in a short amount of time to support passionate fans of teams everywhere”.
I think that these niche sites are a prime example of exclusiveness. All people have a sense of wanting to be a part of something that is special, distinctive, and restricted to allow participation of only certain people. It is this same principle that drives the sales of top designer and luxury brands and the success of exclusive clubs and organizations. In this case, the SawxHeads.com website is a private place where only Boston fans are welcome.
This post is in response to an article found at http://www.prweb.com/releases/2007/10/prweb563636.htm
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red sox .. hmmm great but how i can enter this community please send me the detail..
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