Currently, Xbox Live allows users to play games online with other people. The gaming system has always had a buddy list type of feature, but new changes reflect the feel of a social network. Ars Technica says that Microsoft is headed in a MySpace direction, but with a slightly different twist. Xbox Online game collaboration already includes voice chat, so profile pages and the other typical social networking features will not be used. However, Microsoft hopes that the addition of a network to make friends and share insights will open up new gaming opportunities.
Although I am not exactly sure how a social network will be successfully incorporated into a gaming system, I am still anxious to learn more about it. I think the concept has a lot of potential, and could open many doors for Xbox Live users. I think this is a new, trendy way to encourage gamers to make friends and work with other people. But I do wonder if Xbox Live members see the benefits in this so-called social network, and if they will actually take advantage of the new feature.
This post is in response to an article found at http://www.techcrunch.com/2007/11/26/microsoft-brings-social-networking-style-feature-to-the-xbox-360/
5 extra points
good writeup. Would appreciate a review on http://gamefriends.com as well since its one of the older social networks and encompasses all platforms.
Not bad article, but I really miss that you didn't express your opinion, but ok you just have different approach
I read about it some days ago in another blog and the main things that you mention here are very similar
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