Social networking may not just be a tool for distraction anymore. Two Arizona junior high schools are taking advantage of the latest online trend, and using it to further their students’ education.
I think that schools across the country, even across the world, would probably find great uses for these sites. Not only would students be exposed to collaboration with others on a global basis, but it could potentially be something that kids take beyond the classroom and into their own homes. Furthermore, it is my hope that social networking becomes the “cool” thing to do, and will encourage other kids to get in on the action.
At Chandler’s Santan Junior High, advanced computer students are working on a project called virtualclassroom.org . Schools compete against each other in building a web site on a topic of their choice. Students were able to interact with competing schools across the country, and comment on other sites.
Students at Mesa’s Kino Junior High are conducting classroom science experiments, but with on looking professors from Arizona State University.
The potential for learning opportunities are endless with the use of social networking sites. Again, it enables kids across the world to work together and open their eyes to so many other things. Boundaries will be erased and students will realize that they really have no limits. They will be able to take control of their own learning and their own experiences. And I know personally that being able to control what you learn about is a very freeing concept.
Other interesting facts from the article:
97% of students age 9-17 are now using social networking sites to connect with their classmates for educational purposes.
The national survey found teens who use social-networking sites spend about nine hours a week online, compared with 10 hours a week watching TV.
Want to learn more about the Kids’ Social Networking Study? Log onto www.grunwald.com, or click here.
This post is in response to an article found at http://www.azcentral.com/community/chandler/articles/0907cr-neted0908.html.
good articles - on topic, photos, and good links
10 points for the week
I think that this article is very true in the way kids are developing their education today. Social networking is a very important tool to use in society. Even starting at age 9 kids in elementary schools can begin to develop techniques that can further better their education. My sister for example is in 6th grade and has already developed significantly better skills than I would have ever had back at her age, 11 years ago. The school systems these days make it a point to encourage the use of social networking in their curriculm.
-Well Done
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